$2,000,000 +

Hellman Foundation

$1,000,000 +

Kaiser Permanente
Koret Foundation
Jackie and Joby Pritzker
John Pritzker Family Fund

$500,000 –$999,999


$250,000 –$499,999

William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
San Franciscans for Sports and Recreation
Susan and David Tunnell

$100,000 –$249,999

Baker Family Charitable Foundation
CMG Landscape Architecture
Nancy and Ed Conner
Christine and Curtis Gardner
Ranee Lan and Jeremy Liew
Party for the Parks
Laura and Greg Spivy

$25,000 –$99,999

Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Leith B. Barry
Mark Buell and Susie Tompkins Buell
Chavez Family Foundation
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Martha D. Ehrenfeld
Bert Galleno and Lareina Yee
Groundworks Office Inc.
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Sophie M. Hayward and Boe Hayward
Maureen Holt and Kelly Nice

Diana E. Kapp
Hannah Kellogg
Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation
Alex and Kevin Marchetti
George C. Lee
P &J Builders
RHAA Landscape Architects
Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe
Morris Stulsaft Foundation
Whole Foods Market

With your help, we hit our campaign goal in 2022, funding 13 new playgrounds across San Francisco!

Donations of $250,000 and above will be recognized onsite at all 13 playgrounds. Please contact Sonia Gonzalez Banks at development@sfparksalliance.org or 415.830.5568 for further information.