Our Work: Community Partners
Diamond Heights Boulevard Median Project
The Diamond Heights Boulevard Median Project is inspiring neighbors and friends to replant and maintain the median islands along Diamond Heights Boulevard between Duncan Street and Berkeley Way in San Francisco.
The Diamond Heights Boulevard Median Project is inspiring neighbors and friends to replant and maintain the median islands along Diamond Heights Blvd., between Duncan St. and Berkeley Way.
The project will be carried out in phases over several years. Design choices will anticipate plant life expectancy and site maintenance requirements for at least the next decade. Preliminary design criteria include the following:
Pedestrian/vehicle safety Driver visibility Pedestrian access to cross the median Irrigation, low-water usage Long-term maintenance Site-specific plant selection Return to historical modernism landscaping style Visual appeal and aesthetics In addition to the aesthetic benefits, the median project will bring neighbors together to form relationships, create unofficial disaster response networks, increase property values, and give residents a chance to build something together and strengthen the neighborhood community.