The Friends of Virginia Garden Walk are the stewards behind an architectural landmark in San Francisco’s Bernal Heights neighborhood. The area consists of a network of footpaths, retaining walls, a sustainable garden, and stairways.
The group has worked to install new landscaping in the space, as well as a 13 panel mural by artist Amos Goldbaum.
We love how this group is bringing life and attention to a series of path, stairways and green spaces that have long been overlooked.
The Friends of Virginia Garden Walk are the stewards behind an architectural landmark in San Francisco’s Bernal Heights area.
The area consists of a network of footpaths, stairways, retaining walls, and a sustainable garden. The paths and stairways serve as a vital pedestrian access point for the surrounding community.
The group encourages you to visit their website to learn more, and to come out and join them for gardening days!