In this Faces & Places, we sat down with Bob Anderson: one of the community members who helped transform Hickory Alley from a neglected alleyway into a vibrant, welcoming passageway! Read on to learn more!

“The inspiration for this project began at a meeting that I attended on Living Alleys. At the time, Hickory was filthy, rat-infested and unsafe to walk through, especially at night. Inspired by the meeting, I set out to try and make Hickory Alley sage and usable by local residents and the general public.
In late 2016, the project officially began. Myself, Melinda & Mark Techler (we were all neighbors and organizers for the initial meetings), the folks from @Cala and several other local businesses, @HVNA, and our Supervisors office were all initially involved.
We had almost 3 years worth of neighborhood meetings and multiple entities helping us throughout the process. SF Parks Alliance stepped in around 2018 and their understanding of city processes, permitting + budgets, and coordinating building owners + community members all made a huge difference in getting things done and helping us hold events in the alley .”
“The goal was always to bring more activity and life into the space. We wanted to clean-up the alley and create a safer environment for those passing through.”

“The project was completed in 2019. Since then, the alley has become safer as more people walk through it to see the mural. The lights also invite people to walk through it at night to get to nearby areas.
Today, Friends of Hickory Alley still exists and we have hopes of reinvigorating the group once the pandemic eases. We’re always looking for more neighbors to get involved, and efforts to clean and maintain the space continue!
For folks starting a project of their own: patience, patience, and more patience! The process is long, but use the structures that are already there to assist you. SF Parks Alliance is a perfect example of an agency that can really assist and help you move your project through to completion.
Also, be sure to use and include your local community! It is extremely important to get community input and buy-in for a project like this. This project would have never happened without the involvement from local residents and businesses.
Finally, accept that the project may not look exactly as you initially planned. Be flexible and maintain a sense of humor – you will be surprised by the experience and determination that a group of neighbors possess!”