This May, we learned why our sidewalks sparkle, explored new historic landmarks, and read about upcoming legislation aimed at having fun in the streets! …In case you missed it, read on!
San Francisco wants to turn a chunk of downtown into the city’s Bourbon Street
Mayor London Breed is proposing an ‘Entertainment Zone’ Downtown, which would allow alcohol to be sold and consumed in the street.
The mystery of San Francisco’s sparkling sidewalks solved
Ever noticed the glittery streets on Castro or Valencia? SF GATE uncovered why!
Mayor Breed wants to make it easier to stage street fairs, live events in S.F.
You might be seeing more night markets and outdoor events if the rules around permits change to make life easier for event organizers!
SF supes to vote on making part of Great Highway a coastal trail
The Land Use and Transportation Committee recently approved a proposal to close the southern part of the Great Highway. The space is planned to be converted into a mile-long trail that would include new parking, restrooms, and ADA-compliant beach access.
S.F.’s newest historic landmarks include some surprises. Here are the stories behind them
A slew of new sites around the city have been awarded ‘Historic Landmark’ status- happy exploring!