Your long-term goal may be to completely renovate your park, but you should begin with more manageable projects. Small projects let you acquire the things you need to complete large projects, including:
- Skills. No one knows innately how to write a press release, or run a meeting, or engage a City Councilmember. As with most skills, practice makes perfect. Use small projects to learn and you’ll be a master by the time you tackle the big ones.
- Relationships. Every time you plan and run a small event, you make new connections and strengthen old ones. For instance, if you get to know your City Councilmember and his or her staff by hosting small clean-ups and fairs, they’re more likely to be there for you when you graduate to your larger project.
- Members. Every event you host, every meeting you hold, is a chance to recruit new members. If you keep active, your group will grow over the years.
- Legitimacy. When you ask somebody for something big, they shouldn’t have to ask “Who are you?” They should know. Being connected to SF Parks Alliance as a Community Partner will get you part of the way there, but it is no replacement for a history of good works, successful clean-up days, or community visibility. Also, in order to get a large grant from a foundation you must have a successful track record of smaller projects.