Our Work: Programming & Events
Action Awards
The Action Awards is a grant program designed to enable the small but mighty efforts that reconnect people to our city, each other, and the outdoors through free events like fashion shows, paint parties, and so much more
The application for the fourth round of Action Awards is now closed, keep an eye on this page to stay updated on grantee events and future opportunities to apply!

Action Awards
Shine On SF Action Awards support projects that bring free, recurring community events to public spaces in San Francisco. Projects from past awardees have organized free exercise classes, movie nights, and gardening and clean-up days in public spaces. Any SF resident or SF-based business or community group can apply to receive up to $5,000 and technical assistance to help make their idea a reality. The Action Awards are funded by the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD).

To be selected, projects must: be led by an SF resident or SF-based business or group, take place in a public space the applicant has a connection to (ex: working or living nearby), and be free to the public. View the full list of requirements.

Interested in applying?
The application for the fourth round of Action Awards is now closed, keep an eye on this page to stay updated on grantee events and future opportunities to apply!
Email shineonsf@sanfranciscoparksalliance.org with questions.
With Honey in the Heart, submitted by Patricia Algara: Volunteer events for clean up and maintenance of the Dolores Pollinator Boulevard median garden on Dolores Street at Market and 14th Streets.
Friends of Cuvier Commons, submitted by Lisa Zander: Small-scale free community events at the street stub at the end of Cuvier Street and San Jose Blvd., events focused on monthly Cinema Nights, and development of a framework for using shared supplies for small-scale neighbor-led community activations
Friends of Great Highway Park, submitted by Lucas Lux: Small-scale free community programming in the form of monthly story times and art exhibits, as well as recurring trash/litter clean-ups.
Chinatown Merchants United Association of San Francisco, submitted by Edward Siu: Purchase and installation of solar-powered lights to improve safety along Chinatown merchant corridors.
Manny’s Cafe, submitted by Manny Yekutiel: Weekly clean-up events in the area surrounding Manny’s Cafe with a fun and welcoming atmosphere that engages volunteers in patronizing local businesses before and after clean-up events
Tunnel Tops, Submitted by Bonnie Bergeron: Free small-scale programming for community members around Tunnel Top Park.
- SF Public Chapel Project, submitted by Seanan Fong: This project is launching pop-up SF Public Chapel events, creating a non-denominational space to pause and reflect, where anyone can come to mourn, celebrate, and otherwise honor the human experience in a shared container.
- Masonic Beautification Project, submitted by Vince Yuen of Refuse Refuse: This project brings community advocates and volunteers together to help beautify a target stretch of Masonic Avenue through monthly cleanup events.
- Shark Stewards Beach Clean-ups, submitted by David McGuire: Shark Stewards hosts monthly beach cleanups and community ocean awareness events at the Aquatic Park Maritime Heritage Area and San Francisco Waterfront to Pier 39.
- Battery Plaza Music Activations, submitted by Lilian Mar of Downtown SF Partnership: Downtown SF Partnership is launching free music pop-ups to activate a new plaza on Battery St between Bush and Market with regularly scheduled performances.
- Neighborhood Hub Project, submitted by Lisa Nowell of Recess Collective: Recess Collective is creating a monthly Neighborhood Hub for families of young children to support social connections among parents and provide information about local resources for parents and families.
- Social Events on Page Slow Street, submitted by Molly Hayden: This project is enabling monthly social events on Page Slow Street centered around food at various times of day (for example, breakfast: “Pancakes on Page Street” or dinner: “Pizza on Page Street”).
- Community Movement Classes, submitted by Emma Jarvis of St. Anthony Foundation: St. Anthony Foundation is organizing weekly community movement classes in the existing street closure area on the 100 Block of Golden Gate Avenue.
- Arts and Culture Programming, submitted by Erris Calvin Edgerly IV of Brothers for Change: Brothers for Change is creating a new series of arts, culture and entertainment offerings to enhance existing Soulful Sunday events.
- Participatory Mural, submitted by Rachel Welles of Root Division: Rachel is engaging artists and community members to create a participatory mural on the fence panels for the vacant lot adjacent to Root Division building entrance on Mission Street.
- Graffiti Clean-up Party, submitted by Margaux Kelly of Together SF: TogetherSF is working with local neighborhood partners to host volunteer painting parties to paint over graffiti on West Portal and 14th Ave, with socializing for volunteers afterwards.
- Detroit Steps Community Activations, submitted by Pam Parker Souza of the Detroit Steps Project: Pam is organizing monthly maintenance days at the Detroit Steps and launching new social events such as Movie and Trivia Nights.
- Glen Park Community Activations, submitted by Debra Carvalho of Pono Boutique/Native Plant & Juice Co: Debra is hosting community events for kids, neighbors and families near her boutique in Glen Park.
- Artist Pop-up Space, submitted by Bria Goeller of thirdspace: Bria is hosting pop ups, rotating exhibitions and events at a new artist and community gathering space temporarily occupying a vacant storefront in the Castro/Upper Market area.
- Volunteer Work Days, submitted by Valerie Luu of Portola Neighborhood Association: Portola Neighborhood Association is hosting monthly volunteer work days to engage volunteers in caring for five community green spaces and help them connect to each other over refreshments.
- Bayview Community Gatherings, submitted by Janelle Bailey of Village Life: Village Life is hosting monthly clean-ups in Bayview/Hunters Point, and park socials for families and youth.
- Dragonspunk Garden Programs, submitted by Isaiah Powell of Drangonspunk: This project is launching monthly community events in the Dragonspunk community garden space, like movie nights, music, pop-up vending, panels and movement classes.
- OMI Program Series, submitted by M. Johanna Lopez of Friends of the OMI Mini Parks: Friends of the OMI Mini Parks is hosting a series of programs to build community in OMI mini parks, like monthly clean-ups, story times, and arts and crafts activities, and fitness classes.
- Gabier Community Gatherings, submitted by Jeanne Crawford of Gambier Lego Garden: This project is launching clean-ups and community gatherings at the Gambier Lego Garden, at the intersection of Burrow and Gambier Streets.
View a full list of our Round 3 Action Awards Grantees and information about their projects.
View a full list of our Round 4 Action Awards Grantees and information about their projects.