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A renovated, creative playground creates a community commons: giving neighbors an opportunity to get to know each other while children explore and expend their endless energy.

Admittedly, renovating a playground is a large and long-term project. The best way to get involved as a community member is through fundraising, organizing, and gathering public and private supporters. Because the scope of a playground renovation project is significant, we’ve created a basic list of steps, but encourage you to speak with your District Supervisor or a contractor at the outset.

  1. Build a “Friends of” Group which will help you establish a formal fundraising plan.
  2. Reach out to SF Rec & Park and the San Francisco Parks Alliance to better understand the scope and feasibility of the project, as well as next steps.
  3. Demonstrate financial and public support for the project.

Nature Exploration Area

An alternative to renovating a playground is building a Nature Exploration Area (like at Golden Gate Heights or Juri Commons Park) which has fewer barriers and requirements to add to an existing green space.

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